Category: Wrist Pain

Wrist pain? Learn about wrist pain and how to treat it.

Wrist Pain From Holding Baby

Wrist pain from holding baby. Inverted hand position while holding the baby can cause first dorsal compartment tendinitis. This disease is a condition that develops due to the strain and inflammation of the wrist tendons (beams) of the thumb. Therefore, you may be experiencing wrist pain while holding the baby. This is an important piece of …

What Causes Wrist Pain During Pregnancy?

Wrist pain during pregnancy. What causes wrist pain during pregnancy? While it can vary in severity, wrist pain during pregnancy can be caused by a number of factors, including your age, your healthcare history, medications you’re taking, and your pregnancy. Women of childbearing age who are pregnant or thinking about getting pregnant have a higher risk …

Wrist and Elbow Pain Causes and Treatment

Wrist and elbow pain. The elbow pain we experience is often caused by wrist movements. The most common diseases in the elbow are pain due to strains at the attachment points of the tendons. These depend more on repetitive and forceful movements of the wrist. In addition, people with arthritic tendons often develop other arthritis-related pain, …

Ulnar Wrist Pain When Twisting

lnar wrist pain when twisting. As a result of the compression of the ulnar nerve, numbness and pain occur in the elbow, wrist and fingers. The most common symptom of ulnar nerve compression is pain in the wrist. Because of the severity of the compression, patients may require surgery to relieve the pain. Nerves from the …

Wrist Pain From Mouse

Wrist pain from mouse. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is the most common disease in people who use the mouse frequently, keep the wrist in a bent position while typing on the keyboard or use the mouse, and work in jobs that frequently put a load on the wrist. How Do I Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in Your …