Category: Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain is a common problem that can knock your productivity down. Learn how to deal with it.

Shoulder Pain And Popping

Shoulder pain and popping. If you notice pain and popping in your shoulder after a recent injury to your shoulder, it could be the result of a muscle tear, muscle strain or fracture that needs to be addressed. How Do I Prevent Muscle Tear? Some of the most common causes of muscle tear include: Injury to …

Shoulder Clicking No Pain

Shoulder clicking no pain. Just moving your shoulder can cause a popping sound. A sign of something worse? The actual sound or feeling of a popping or cracking joint is called crepitus. When there is no pain accompanying the sound, there is usually no need to worry. How Do I Prevent Pops? Before you go to …

What Causes Shoulder Pain When Running?

Shoulder pain while running can have many causes, the most common being running in the wrong position. Incorrect running position increases the tension of your back and shoulder muscles, causing back or shoulder pain. How Do I Correct My Running Position? Lean forward This is the easiest way to correct your position and make sure you’re …

Shoulder Pain 6 Months After Labrum Surgery

Shoulder pain 6 months after labrum surgery. After surgery, you will need to keep the shoulder in a sling for 3 to 6 weeks. In addition, gentle, passive, painless exercises are performed. However, the shoulder will completely heal after 4 to 6 months. Shoulder pain after labrum surgery may occur until the shoulder heals. The shoulder …

Shoulder Clicking and Pain

Shoulder clicking and pain. If you have shoulder cracking and pain, you may have arthritis in the shoulder joints, this is one of the most common causes. Night pains, feeling weak in the shoulder muscles, noise from the shoulder, difficulty in raising the arm can also be shoulder impingement syndrome. Mild arthritis, swelling in the muscles, …

Chiropractor for Shoulder Pain

Chiropractor for shoulder pain. Some of the most common ailments a chiropractor treats are shoulder pain and neck pain. The main purpose of chiropractic for shoulder pain is to reduce pain and increase mobility. Chiropractor treatment for shoulder pain is very effective in relieving pain. How Do Chiropractors Treat Chiropractic Pains? Chiropractors diagnose and treat shoulder …