Category: Finger Pain

Finger pain can be a result of several conditions. Learn about the most common causes of finger pain and how you can treat them.

Painful Bump On Finger

There can be various causes of painful lump on the finger, some of which are; Ganglion cyst, Giant cell tumor, Mucous cyst and Epidermal inclusion cyst are the first possible causes of painful lump in finger. The cause of the painful lump depends on which of the two causes causes any pain. Various causes of painful …

Causes of Middle Finger Knuckle Pain

Middle finger joint pain if there is no injury, calcification can cause it. In addition, inflammation of the joints is another cause of middle finger joint pain. What is arthritis and what are its symptoms? Mild arthritis causes little to no damage to the fingers. Arthritis is a painful inflammation of tissue, such as the bones, …

Sharp Pain in Finger Like Glass

Sharp pain in finger like glass. If you feel sharp, glassy pain in your finger, this is the result of the compression of the median nerve in a narrow channel in the wrist; You may have Carpal tunnel syndrome, which causes pain, numbness, and tingling in the thumb, forefinger, and middle finger. This syndrome can occur …

Pain in Pinky Finger Joint

Pain in pinky finger joint. Inflammation due to arthritis or infections can cause finger joint pain. In addition, injury sprains, strains, dislocations and fractures can cause pain in the joint in your pinky finger. How Do I Prevent Pain? Many factors influence pain. Some people don’t develop pain for a number of reasons, especially when injured, …

Left Ring Finger Pain Heart Attack

Left ring finger pain heart attack. Left arm pain associated with a heart attack is usually felt in the little finger and left ring finger. Of course, not every left ring finger pain indicates a heart attack. Causes of left ring finger pain Left ring finger pain can also be caused by a small stroke or …

Finger Joint Pain in Pregnancy Third Trimester

If you have tingling, numbness and pain in your hands during pregnancy, it may be because of “carpal tunnel syndrome”. It usually occurs in the 2nd or 3rd trimester. If you encountered this compression in your first pregnancy, it will probably happen to you in your next pregnancies. How Do I Prevent Carpal Tunnel Syndrome in …