Category: Eye Pain

Eye pain can be caused by a number of conditions. Learn about the most common causes of eye pain and how to treat them.

When to see a doctor for your eye pain

If you experience any level of discomfort in your eyes, it is best to see a doctor as soon as possible. This is especially true if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms such as discharge, redness, or blurred vision. While some causes of eye pain are minor and will resolve on their own, others can …

Pain In Cheek And Eye Socket

Sinusitis, which is a bacterial or viral infection or allergic reaction in the sinuses, can cause a sensation of cheek and orbital pain. Dry eye syndrome, injury, infection, or disease can cause cheek and orbital pain. The most common symptom of sinusitis is redness. More commonly, there’s a burning sensation in the corners of the mouth, …

Pain And Pressure Behind Eyes

Pain and pressure behind the eyes can be caused by sinusitis. Infection of the sinuses can cause pain and pressure behind the eye. It causes pressure and pain behind the eyes in headaches and migraines. How Do I Prevent Pain & Pressure Behind the Eyes in My Head? If you find that you are having pain …

What Causes Sinus Pain Behind the Eyes?

Sinus pain behind eye. Infection of the sinuses can cause the pressure behind the eyes to increase, at which pressure causes pain behind the eye. This pain can sometimes be felt unilaterally or sometimes in both eyes. How Do I Prevent Pain Behind the Eye? In most cases, pain behind the eye occurs without infection. To …

Sinus Infection Eye Pain

Sinus infection eye pain. One of the most disturbing complaints in acute sinusitis is eye pain. Depending on which sinus is inflamed, this can be in the form of headache, facial pain, pain around the eyes. Usually, the pain increases with bending forward. Because of an overactive immune response to bacteria (IgM) at the source of …

Eye Pain When Blinking – Causes

Eye pain when blinking. Common causes of eye pain when you blink include dry eyes, pink eye, or a sty. More serious problems that can cause your eye to hurt when you blink include optic neuritis or glaucoma. Causes of pain when blinking These conditions weaken the eye’s natural protective layer (sclera) to the extent that …

Eye Pain and Pressure & Treatment

Eye pain and pressure. When the eye pressure rises especially rapidly and exceeds 40 mmHg, pain is felt in the eye. In the case of acute glaucoma crisis, this pain is accompanied by blurred vision and redness of the eye. The glaucoma patient typically experiences a wide range of pain sensations. Treatment A local anesthetic is …