Category: Back Pain

Back pain can be a debilitating condition, but there are ways to manage it. Follow these tips to help you cope.

Hip Labral Tear Symptoms Lower Back Pain

Labrum tears often do not cause any symptoms. However, sometimes locking in the hip, feeling of being stuck, pain in the hip and groin, sometimes you may think that these pains are low back pain. Decreased range of motion and stiffness in the hip joint may cause difficulty in walking. The hip is the only one …

Back Pain and Dizziness – Symptoms and Causes

The cause of back pain and dizziness may mean that there is a problem with your neck. Severe neck calcification, neck flattening and neck hernias can also cause neck and back pain, as well as dizziness. Dizziness and back pain originating from the neck is an uncomfortable condition that prevents us from continuing our lives normally. …

Which Essential Oils Should I use for Back Pain?

Essential oils for back pain: Back pain may require bed rest and pain medications, but chronic (long-term) cases require lifestyle changes. Essential oils for the treatment of back pain will help heal your problems with their very strong effects. These are not only effective for treating back pain, but will also help you relieve the stress, …

Crystals for Back Pain

You can use the following crystals for back pain. Crystals such as Smokey Quartz, Rose Quartz, Red Jasper, Carnelian, Selenite and Black Tourmaline can assist you in your daily practice. How Do I Choose My Mineral? Before you buy crystals for back pain or anything else, you need to evaluate your needs. As you can imagine, …

Back Pain When Sneezing

Back pain when sneezing. You may experience back pain with uncontrolled and severe sneezing. This is due to increased intra-abdominal pressure during sneezing and coughing. The sneeze can cause a sudden increase of intra-abdominal pressure, often resulting in chest pain, shortness of breath or dizziness. For a list of factors that may increase intra-abdominal pressure, go …

Difference Between Back Pain and Kidney Pain

Difference between back pain and kidney pain. It can be difficult to distinguish between kidney pain and back pain. Muscle pain in the back, which usually occurs after heavy lifting or a trauma, tends to be felt lower. Kidney pain, on the other hand, is felt just below the ribs, higher and deeper than back pain. …

Lower Back Pain After Squats

Lower back pain after squats. Since squats that are not done with the right techniques will cause leg and lower back pain, it would be appropriate to get help from an expert trainer while doing squats. In general, low back pain after squats is caused by incorrect training. Since the correct squats can cause little to …