Category: Leg Pain

Leg pain can be caused by a number of things, including injury, infection, or circulatory issues.

Child Leg Pain at Night Leukemia

Child leg pain at night leukemia. Cancer may also be the cause of leg pain in children. 25% of those with leukemia experience arm or leg pain. Since this complaint is confused with rheumatic disease or growing pain, it may be detected late. The first sign of oncological cases such as leukemia and bone tumor may …

Causes of Pain in The Left Arm And Leg

Pain in left arm and leg. Pain in the left arm and left leg can be a sign of some heart problems. In addition, rarely, a tumor in the right brain, vascular deterioration or blood flow insufficiency causes pain and numbness in the left arm and left leg. How Do I Prevent Pain? Many factors influence …

What are the Causes of Pain in the Arms And Legs?

Pain in arms and legs. If you have pain in your arms and legs, your muscles may not be getting enough blood. This problem is called claudication. Or arm and leg pain could be symptoms of a pinched nerve. Another discomfort is that your arm and leg pain can be caused by simple muscle cramps. This …

Metal Rod in Leg Causing Pain

Metal rod in leg causing pain. Some patients feel pressure or pain where the implant is placed. This may be one of the signs of metal irritation. If there is a metal rod in the leg that causes pain, the implant may need to be removed. The patient may need medication or a leg prosthesis to …

Leg Pain When Lying Down

There can be many causes of leg pain while lying down, some of which are; There may be advanced muscle activity, inactivity or many different diseases underlying these pains. Some of these may be pregnancy, neurological diseases, clots, arthritis, traumas, infections or vascular diseases. Some women report leg pain after the birth or while they are …

Knee Pain When Sitting Cross Legged

Knee pain when sitting cross legged. Sitting cross-legged hurts the knee. Noting that the most important cause of knee pain is the wear of the cartilage under the knee, experts say that sitting with the knee bent or sitting cross-legged causes irreversible damage to the knee. (See below for more on this.) What causes knee pain …