Lower Back Pain After Squats

Lower Back Pain After Squats

Lower back pain after squats. Since squats that are not done with the right techniques will cause leg and lower back pain, it would be appropriate to get help from an expert trainer while doing squats. In general, low back pain after squats is caused by incorrect training. Since the correct squats can cause little to no damage to the lower back, correct technique does not require much training, and so the training can be done by anyone. To help ensure that the correct form is done properly, the training should be done in the following form:

Stand on a box. Place a dumbbell in the middle of the box.

Raise the dumbbell by taking an open and relaxed body position with the knees at a 45º angle. The upper back should be perpendicular to the floor. The legs should be straight.

Lower the dumbbell without letting it drop down or rotating the back.

Take a step back while rotating the back of the hip toward the floor.

Rest for 30 seconds then raise the dumbbell by taking an extended and relaxed body position with the knees at 45º angle.


It may take a while, but the proper form will become easier with practice. Your goal is to be able to squat with proper form and with minimal pain in the back.

Get Support for Low Back Pain After Squats

As mentioned earlier, proper form in the squat is important for proper back health. If you’re unable to do the exercise, the result is most often injury. If you’re performing the exercise correctly it will cause minimal pain in the back and you should not need assistance from an expert trainer while doing the exercise.

If you’re new to the exercise, then there’s no reason not to start with a friend or coach. You can always ask if they know anyone who works with lower back pain. A person who knows what is going on and can help you in the training of your back can be extremely helpful in reducing pain, improving performance, and helping others maintain their health as much as possible.


Brener, John R. (1996). “Assessing Back Pain During the Squat and Deadlift.” Journal of Sports Rehabilitation, 12(2), 3-14.

Burd, Robert, Peter J. Erikson, and John F. Zook. (2005). “Lower Back Pain in Athletes.” Med Sci Sports Exerc. 36(11), 2268-2280.

Rice, R.E., and E.H. Brown. (1979). “The Influence of Exercise Type and Leg Extension Position on Lower Back Pain in Olympic Weight Lifting Athletes.” Journal of Applied Physiology, 64(6), 3333-3340.

Roth, L.J., and K.R. Johnson. (1991). “Impact of a Low-Back Pain Injury on Performance.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 25(9), 1359-1366.