Hip Labral Tear Symptoms and Low Back Pain

Hip Labral Tear Symptoms and Low Back Pain

Hip labral tear symptoms lower back pain. Labrum tears often do not cause any symptoms. However, sometimes it can cause locking in the hip, a feeling of being stuck, pain in the hip and groin, stiffness in the hip joint and decrease in the range of motion, and walking difficulties. pain in the hip and groin can create a feeling of low back pain. Back pain can occur especially after a hip labral tear.

Is sometimes accompanied by hip pain and other symptoms. The severity of hip labral tear can be affected by physical movement, posture and other factors. The pain that occurs in your hip and groin may not be a result of hip labral tears.

It is always important to inform your healthcare provider about the results of your examination. He or she will refer you to a specialist.


Some hip labral tears may be diagnosed by radiographs and ultrasound.

Most of the patients who have hip labral tears have a very minor tear. However, there may be signs of a severe labral tear, which could indicate an underlying problem.


Patients should be offered a course of treatment. A course of treatment is a period of time lasting from one day to several months and may be performed by a specialist or a general practitioner. Some patients are offered a short course of treatment, while others may be treated for several months.

Some patients have an operation to remove the damaged part, but if the problem cannot be treated in another way and surgery is recommended, the part can be replaced.


Some medicines can lower the risk of getting more hip labral tears and other problems in the hip.

Treating Hip Labral Tears

If your hip labral tear is significant and causes pain or locking in of the hip, you may wish to have surgery to restore range of motion. This is usually done at a hospital, which usually requires general anesthetic.

In most cases, you will not be able to return to your previous activities. You will also have an increased risk of developing other injuries that could be dangerous.

If a hip labral tear prevents you from returning to your activities, you will also be advised to have hip surgery. This surgery may reduce your chances of getting a further hip or knee problem and may reduce the pain, swelling and stiffness. The surgery will remove a portion of the torn labrum or labrum of the hip. If it is not possible to return to your usual activities, you will be advised to have a revision surgery at a hospital.

An alternative treatment for people who cannot return to their usual activities is the use of soft tissue exercises, such as exercise band exercises and walking exercises. These may also help prevent hip problems that may arise due to severe hip labral tears.

If you find your hip labral tear is affecting your normal activity or any other problems that are causing you difficulty, you may want to consider the use of medications that affect your circulation. These include medications to reduce the risk of infections, prevent diabetes, reduce pain, reduce muscle tension, and reduce problems with circulation, circulation of blood and blood pressure and kidney function.