Groin Pain After Running

Groin Pain After Running

If you experience groin pain after walking or running, it’s possible that a tendon or ligament is stretched or torn. You can reduce the risk of injury by stretching before running and increasing the flexibility of your hip joint. The proper amount of flexibility is a matter of trial and error.

How can you strengthen the hip for improved performance in sports and exercises?

Walking: When you walk, the hip is flexed and your spine is turned out slightly when you walk. This movement activates the glutes muscles and gluteal muscles to help stabilize the hip. While walking on uneven terrain, you also push your hips backward so your body can push through the ground while maintaining a straight line.

Run: Your hip, in conjunction with the back of your pelvis, should be rotated outward as you run. Your hips should be rotated farther forward for runners who can extend their knees a certain amount.

Movement of your pelvis and torso after the act of moving from a standing position to a sitting position. This gives you feedback about the hip and hip flexibility.

Hip Flexibility Index for Individuals

Pelvic rotation: The lower pelvic and hip flexors are more prone to being injured during sports than the front and back of the body. The back of the pelvis is prone to injury and instability while running, and the pelvic flexors can also become injured from a seated position.

Hip Extension: The hip flexors can become injured during sports such as swimming and running.

Knee Knee-ejection angle: This occurs when you bend your knee when you jump and land while running or swimming. The knee-ejection angle should increase as your knee increases in extension.

Lower Leg Mobility: With proper mobility and flexibility, the ability to move the leg and foot are vital for running. It’s important to increase your knee flexibility, lower leg mobility, and hamstring flexibility to increase the range of motion for all components of the lower body in running.

Lumbar Range of Movement

Lumbar extension: The hips are stretched out at the ankle. Flexible lumbar spine flexors and ligaments have the greatest chance of injury in the lower leg.

Lumbar flexion: The hips are stretched out at the ankle. Flexible lumbar spine flexors and ligaments have the greatest chance of injury in the lower leg.

Skeletal Mechanics

The hips, glutes and hamstrings can become injured as a result of moving the hip forward or backward during running. Your body moves forward because of gravity. To improve running mechanics, your body will move with the hip and hip flexors, glutes and hamstrings during the first 5-10 minutes of running. These muscles have to be lengthened and contractions of the muscles should increase and contract for more distance.