Foot arch pain running. It can be caused by running on hard ground or choosing inappropriate sports shoes. It occurs in the form of pain in the sole of the foot and the arch of the foot. This is not a long lasting condition, but could affect your long term running form. See Running Form for more information about running form.
Acetabular Stress Syndrome (AS)
Overuse of heavy equipment such as bicycles, tricycles, and running shoes. Over time, wear from these exercises can cause repetitive stress on the spine, which can lead to inflammation and inflammation of the arch.
Overuse of repetitive motions. Try running a few metres or 10 minutes without holding onto the pedals. You can run the same distance at a slower pace while trying to maintain your balance. Try walking after each run.
Running in an upright position.
Running on roads or on the side of the road.
Maintain the right knee angle and foot position when you run.
Treatment will depend on the type of pain and how severe it is. In most cases, you’ll only need to see your GP as a last resort after you have made a proper diagnosis. It’s important to know that most sports injuries don’t require surgery and that all athletes are taught how to manage their pain. They can all be managed through exercise and self-management.
If you know what is causing your pain, consider seeking help from your health and fitness coach, physiotherapist, sports psychologist, osteopath, sports psychologist or occupational therapy practitioner.
You can have the pain under control in a number of ways. Firstly, you can make yourself stronger by exercising. This is an easy way to reduce pain. You can also try to avoid using equipment that might increase the amount of strain on your muscles, and you can try to limit your activity by:
- Going outside when your pain is severe
- Eating healthy food. Limit the amount you eat and exercise on a normal day.
- Avoiding all stress on the spine, in particular, any heavy or repetitive movements
- Keeping your posture straight and well-supported throughout the day
- Caring for the affected area.
If you still feel it is not improving or you’re not convinced you need specialist treatment, get advice from your GP or physiotherapist and seek advice from an Occupational Therapy Team. They can advise you on appropriate exercise and stress management strategies.
Stress and injury management
There is increasing evidence that stress can be harmful to health. The causes of stress and injury are complex and remain unclear. Your physical and emotional health may be affected by your stress levels. Some stressors are more likely to affect you than others, especially if you do not meet the stress criteria set out in the guidance to help you get started with healthy activity.
Some of the key stressors that can increase your risk of injury include:
- An increase in physical activity with increased risk of injury
- Having too many stressors over a short period of time
- Having a stressful job
- Having a stressful partner or family member
- Swelling of the hands and feet due to injury or illness
- Loss of ability to walk because of a limb or hand disability
- Hormonal or psychological changes, especially if you have a condition which can affect blood pressure
Physical activity
Physical activity and stress can be good for you, and stress is not harmful.
Physical activity can help you:
- Reduce injury risk.
- Protect your hands and feet.
- Reduce the risk of injuries.
- Reduce the possibility of prolonged or recurrent injury.
Reduce the risk of muscle pain and degenerative conditions. - Reduce the risks of depression and anxiety.
You should talk to your GP or physiotherapist about your own physical activity routine, and ensure that you are as physically active as possible. You can also seek advice from an Occupational Therapy Team if you wish.
Take care with your physical activity
Regular exercise can reduce your pain, reduce stress, and reduce the possibility of injury. It can also improve your self-care and help you to make your body feel better, including being more comfortable wearing different types of clothing, being able to walk and move around easily and having a better quality of life.