Labrum tears often do not cause any symptoms. However, sometimes locking in the hip, feeling of being stuck, pain in the hip and groin, sometimes you may think that these pains are low back pain. Decreased range of motion and stiffness in the hip joint may cause difficulty in walking. The hip is the only one of the seven joints that is the most commonly injured in runners.
How do you treat a muscle tear in the hip joint?
First, get the affected area checked. This might include the muscles and fascia in the hip region. The procedure should be carried out under general anesthesia and will not involve any sharp instruments. Make sure to stop any medication or sedatives you are on as soon as possible. If you are suffering from a muscle tear, you may have to stop exercising for about two weeks. You may want to make sure you have a physical therapist to help you with your rehabilitation. You may also need to get a second opinion from another specialist.
What is the treatment for a muscle tear?
There are no specific treatments that you will need as a result of a muscle tear. However, if your knee pain is due to a muscle tear, it may be advisable to have the knee operated on. Your treatment may include hip replacement.
You will get a prosthetic leg or limb that does not cause pain or restrict movement, and is made of a durable material that lasts for long periods of time. As the prosthetic limb becomes more sophisticated, you will need to wear it at least three to four hours per day.
An orthopedic surgeon must evaluate your injury in order to decide if the rehabilitation is right for you and what the rehabilitation is going to involve. If you are having a hard time walking and the tear is causing you pain, you should talk to your surgeon.
What is the rehabilitation process like for a leg or arm?
There are no specific details that will help you get into the rehabilitation process. You will have to overcome the pain associated with your injury. After a long time, the pain will wear off.
This rehabilitation will usually involve stretching exercises and weight bearing exercises. You will be prescribed medicine for you to take for at least six months, usually at a dose of 3 to 4 grams per day. You may also be prescribed medication, although this is not common. Most patients can get on with the medication and they will be able to walk with the help of a walking stick. If your physical therapist feels that you are in good shape, he or she may be able to give you a more advanced prosthesis, which may be more comfortable for you.
How long should you spend with your prosthetic legs in place?
The rehabilitation process has to start as soon as possible to allow you to avoid any unnecessary stress from the injuries. If you have severe injuries, it will require more time. If you are in good shape and not having any more problems, you may be able to return to regular exercise within a few months.