Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Neck Pain?

Can Wisdom Teeth Cause Neck Pain

Can wisdom teeth cause neck pain? If the wisdom teeth are impacted and are not positioned where they should be on time, it can cause discomforting pain during the periods when they are trying to come out. It causes pain in the ears and neck, especially in the upper jaw area.

This pain can be especially bad when the wisdom teeth are very close together, sometimes even rubbing into the ear’s skin. The problem can only be solved by cutting the affected portion off of the mouth of the patient. The pain that is caused can be lessened by the use of a mouthwash that contains caffeine.

It can cause neck pain?

If the wisdom teeth are impacted and are not positioned where they should be on time, it can cause discomforting pain during the periods when they are trying to come out. It causes pain in the ears and neck, especially in the upper jaw area. This pain can be especially bad when the wisdom teeth are very close together, sometimes even rubbing into the ear’s skin. The problem can only be solved by cutting the affected portion off of the mouth of the patient. The pain that is caused can be lessened by the use of a mouthwash that contains caffeine.

The best thing to do is to remove the tooth

However, it is very difficult to remove. When the jawbone is cut, there is very little force used to force the teeth out. There is also very little tissue between the tooth and the bone. If the tooth is placed in a safe place, it should not hurt. Also, it is not always possible to remove the tooth properly.

Should it be removed?

It is usually not possible to remove the wisdom teeth without the use of surgery. This would be very difficult as the bone is very sensitive. Also, it can be extremely painful.

Should it be kept?

The most effective way of removing the wisdom teeth is to provide the patient with regular dental visits. It is important that you inform your patient when he has to see a dentist.