![Can Gas Cause Left Arm Pain](https://painfuldiseasess.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Can-Gas-Cause-Left-Arm-Pain.jpg)
Can gas cause left arm pain? Yes, gas trapped in parts of the large intestine can cause pain in the shoulder and can radiate from the inside to both arms, more often the left side.
The pain is usually only one or two times a day. Often there is little or no change to the patient’s life with treatment and the affected part is not a problem. In severe cases the affected arm may require surgery and the symptoms may last for months or even years.
When your doctor refers to “gas” in your treatment, it means there is a problem with the lining of your intestine.
If I am feeling pain from my left arm, what should I do?
Your doctor will examine you and explain why you are feeling pain in your arm. If he or she determines the pain is a result of a gas pocket, he or she can give you: a painkiller medicine that blocks the nerve (acetaminophen or ibuprofen) a painkiller that will help your arm relax more. This medicine also helps you relax during physical activity (an acetaminophen or ibuprofen pill).
You might have a gas pocket if the pocket was created when you ate a food with too much fat, such as fatty meats, butane gas, or fatty meat in its casing. Your doctor may give you a medication to block the nerve that causes the pain (acetaminophen or ibuprofen). A gas pocket may not be caused by a fat-filled food. You should not try to swallow or eat fatty meat if you are having stomach pain.
Do I need any special tests or tests for gas?
You should not stop taking a medicine immediately or increase your doses. If you stop the medication after your symptoms have diminished, your doctor may need to perform a physical exam and find out if the gas was caused by a gas pocket.
Will surgery solve the gas problem?
Your doctor may give you surgery to fix a gas pocket. The surgery usually involves a metal rod or a metal plate inserted into your left forearm, called an arm sleeve. The sleeve will hold the gas. The surgery removes the pocket so that you can feed, drink or sleep with your arm in better alignment. If your doctor decides you need surgery, the surgery will generally be at a hospital, in a rehab facility or at home. You may have recovery time after surgery.
What is the best way to relieve the pain?
To relieve the pain, your doctor will tell you: the cause of your pain
what medicines will help you with the pain and which medicines may be harmful for you when you may want to go to the doctor or go on a specific exercise program the best way to move your arm, if it hurts what activities you should get away from if it is important that you get your leg checked out by a doctor when you should feel better again.
How to deal with the pain
what you can do now to lessen your pain (if you have already tried treatment). Your doctor will recommend these steps if you want to have relief from your pain.
Will gas ever go away?
Once you have left the gas pocket, it will almost always return, just as there is no treatment for gas from a fat-filled meat. Only surgery can stop this natural process and you should not give up trying until you get your surgery.
What should I do if I have gas in my arm?
If you have a gas pocket and it hurts, your doctor will usually give you: painkillers that block the nerve (acetaminophen or ibuprofen) medications to reduce the amount of gas that gets trapped in your digestive system (antifreeze or a sedative)
What will my doctor do to keep my arm normal?
Your doctor will keep your arm normal in other ways, such as: keeping your arm straight
keeping your arm bent slightly to the side
holding the arm in place with a compression sleeve to keep your arm still when you move
What should you do when my arm hurts?
Sometimes your doctor may give you painkillers to help you stop your pain and help your arm move. Your doctor may also give you a medication to ease your pain, such as acetaminophen, a painkiller that blocks the nerve (acetaminophen or ibuprofen). Your doctor may also use an electric shock to help relieve your pain. These treatments can sometimes make the pain worse. These medicines can’t stop the gas-producing pain.