Arm Pain When Sneezing

Arm Pain When Sneezing

According to experts, a pinched nerve causes arm pain when sneezing. In addition, sudden movements of the neck during sneezing can also cause pain in the arm.

In addition, in cases such as herniated disc, this pain can also occur with coughing and sneezing. The pain is usually only felt in the head and neck.

How Can I Prevent This Pain From Happening To Me?

In order to reduce the severity of herniated disc and other painful complications during sneezing, the first steps one should take is to keep sneezing well-controlled. Some people are less inclined to try this as they suffer from colds and flu or are on medication that may slow down their sneezing. The best way to avoid pain is to do your sneezing at the perfect time. This includes during your usual activity.

Also keep your head and neck cool and clear. You will probably lose a lot of the moisture that may be on your body if you sneeze when you are cold or under the weather.

Also try to sneeze when you are tired and your body is not ready to move. This will reduce the sneeze’s impact and the pain.

Finally, try to use more than one sneeze during a given breathing sequence (hay, cough, snort, sneeze), if you are having difficulty breathing at one time.

What Is the Cause of Herniated Disc?

The most common cause of herniated disc is chronic inflammation of the disc and associated ligament. In severe cases, she will also suffer from blood clots.

The disease can develop due to:

  • Overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) and/or thyroiditis;
  • High blood pressure;

Risk factors for chronic inflammation include:

  • Invasive disease of the brain (e.g., chronic pain; cerebral aneurysm; spinal stenosis; stroke)
  • Genetic conditions such as hereditary myasthenia gravis (a protein that is found in some types of cancer cells);
  • Stroke, traumatic brain injury, or other head trauma

Other medical conditions, such as:

  • Cardiovascular disease;
  • Chronic lung disease;
  • Autoimmune diseases;
  • High cholesterol levels, including hypercholesterolemia;
  • High blood pressure; and/or
  • Certain medications.

Is It Caused by Other Causes?

There are several possible causes of this condition. There are various different types of herniated disc. However, they can all cause similar symptoms.

One may have a herniated disc due to:

  • High blood pressure, which can be caused by a blood clot inside the wall of a blood vessel.
  • Hyperthyroidism, which is due to a higher level of thyroid hormone.
  • Hypercalcemia, which is due to a buildup of calcium in the body.

Other causes include:

  • Stroke;
  • Trauma to the head or neck;
  • Chronic lung disease;
  • Chronic respiratory diseases;
  • Stroke, acute respiratory infections;
  • Other diseases (e.g., Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer of the heart, bone marrow, and brain);
  • Certain medications;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Sickle cell anemia;
  • Fractures.

What Are My Options?

These are the steps you can take to prevent herniated disc:

Maintain your natural breathing patterns

This can improve your risk of developing this condition. A simple way to do this is to breathe naturally with the open mouth while the nostrils are kept shut. This will keep your blood vessels relaxed and let your blood flow easily.


Exercising, especially active sports that build strength and muscle tissue helps to reduce your risk of developing a herniated disk.

Maintain your diet as much as possible

This will also reduce the risk of this condition. For example, a diet of plenty of fruits and vegetables can help to reduce the risk of developing this condition.

Regular rest

This can help you to avoid the risk of a herniated disc and to stay healthy. It can also help you to maintain your natural breathing patterns.
