Stabbing pain in back of heel. If you have a stabbing pain in the back of your heel, there is inflammation of the Achilles tendon in the area where it attaches to the heel bone. (Achilles tendinitis) This condition often results from running too much or wearing shoes that rub against the back of the heel. (Sore Achilles tendon)
What is the Achilles Tendon and How Does it Work
The Achilles tendon (the long ligament that runs down your heel from your heel bone) helps to cushion your foot when you run, helping your heel land on its heel and the ground.
The Achilles tendon in this case is inflamed because the impact of running can rub on it and irritate it. So when you run or wear shoes, this can cause the Achilles tendon to be sore. Sometimes the Achilles tendon can even require surgery.
Problems in the Achilles Tendon
Your heel is usually very sensitive, although sometimes it’s not. This can include the back of the heel or the top of the Achilles tendon as this may be just too sensitive to the impact of running. It’s not uncommon for your Achilles tendon to become inflamed or damaged from excessive wear and tear in other parts of your body (especially feet).
Your heel bone usually becomes swollen from the high stress it’s subjected to over long periods of time. Over time, when the bone is in this inflamed state it may start to separate from the bone it’s attached to. Sometimes, the fracture in the bone of the Achilles tendon will cause a fracture of the bone at the top of the Achilles tendon. This can also cause swelling in the bottom of the Achilles tendon.
In general, the Achilles tendon can get sore and swollen, especially when you run long hours. This is why a well-researched person will probably stop wearing shoes, stop exercising in shoes, and change how they are running. Some people, however, find that their Achilles tendon can last up to six years if they don’t run in them. If you wear shoes that are not well-suited to the Achilles tendon, the chance of it getting injured goes up.
How is a ruptured Achilles tendon treated?
Most tendinitis is fairly mild and is more likely to be treated with rest, stretching exercises, and cold therapy. In some cases, however, the Achilles tendon is more serious and needs to be operated.
It’s rare for a tendon in this type of injury to require surgery to completely heal. Sometimes, however, they need to be reattached because the tendon is too big to go back into the joint. The tendon is then reattached using a needle, bone graft, and some type of metal plate. Sometimes, a tendon graft and bone graft are done in parallel with each other. This can allow for the healing process to go much faster. However, for some people this is not an option.
After surgery for a ruptured Achilles tendon, it’s not uncommon for the wound to bleed and for the damaged tendon to become infected. In these situations, antibiotics may be needed to stop the infection from growing. In some cases, these infection outbreaks lead to scarring around the damaged area, which may require additional healing. For more info on treatment of ruptured Achilles tendon, call 1-800-321-7715.
Why does a ruptured Achilles tendon have to be operated?
In the most common type of ruptured Achilles tendon, the tear is found after the Achilles tendon has healed from an infection or surgical procedure. In this type of injury, you may have a tear or a tear-like location that is not healing properly. This type of tendon also requires surgery because you need to repair the tissue lost and create a new tendon.
This type of injury also happens more often in runners, and usually occurs in the area near the heel. This usually happens when the Achilles tendon has healed from infection or surgery. In most cases, the Achilles tendon is completely healed.
What types of surgeries are done to prevent and treat ruptured Achilles tendons?
There are 2 main options for treatment of ruptured Achilles tendons. Both surgeries are performed under local anesthetic (or under general anesthesia) and can be done in the doctor’s office.
Bilateral Tendon Repair
This option uses the tendon from both ends of the torn Achilles tendon to repair the damaged area. The surgeon will cut the damaged area (tendon) off, and connect the two ends of the damaged part. This will create a new tendon that can be used for running and can help to prevent the area from re-growing and scarringing.
The first option requires the surgeon to take a section of the tendon, cut it in half lengthwise, remove any pieces of damaged tissue, then place the tendon graft over the cut piece of the torn tendon. This procedure can take about 7 to 10 minutes. The surgeon will be done by an an assistant surgeon.