Sore throat and stomach ache. Candida fungus is the root cause of many diseases such as migraine, bad breath, indigestion, sore throat and stomachache. It is possible that the sore throat and stomach pain that do not go away are caused by the candida fungus.
The candida fungus can live in the mouth and throat
The candida fungus can live in the mouth and throat. It can cause bad breath if not cleared. There may also be an infection in the nose, throat and eyes that can cause a fever and may cause headache and/or nausea.
It can also cause the symptoms listed above, but most people with this candida infection do not have any symptoms. It may cause mild to severe symptoms and it is very difficult to tell whether it is due to candida or not.
Symptoms of Candida or Candida Colon
It is not always easy to tell whether a person has or does not have the candida fungus in their mouth and throat. It is sometimes difficult to tell whether an individual is having a normal day or a bad day. When someone has a bad day, it can appear to be due to a good day or a bad day.
The person may seem lethargic or unable to get out of bed. This symptom may be the result of the bad breath and bad day or may just be due to a bad day at work.
Causes of the Symptoms of the Candida fungus
The symptoms of the candida fungus can be caused by a number of things. For instance, the yeast can cause a lot of symptoms if it is left unchecked, causing the body to go through the Candida fungus cycle several times throughout its life cycle.
Symptoms of the Candida fungus include:
- Inflammation
- Chronic Fatigue
Sore throat and stomach pain - Cigarette Smell
The symptoms of the yeast are caused by a number of factors, and many times, when they are absent from your digestive tract, the symptoms may go away.
Symptom of a bad day
This is usually only a sign of the candida fungus and not the mouth or throat infection itself. The condition is very difficult to diagnose because the symptoms can be a sign of a much more serious infection, such as the common cold or bronchitis.
When a person has a bad day, it can be hard to tell how bad the problem is. The symptoms may not start until much later in the day when the person is trying to get to work or to use the restroom, or it may take a lot of time for the person to figure out exactly what the problem is because it may be causing the symptoms at the time.
If you suspect that you have or do have a bad day, seek immediate help. Seek immediate medical attention or contact your health care provider immediately. If you have a good day and you feel good after taking care of yourself, take care of yourself immediately after.