Chest pain after quitting smoking. It is quite common to experience circulatory and respiratory problems after quitting smoking. Doing deep breathing exercises for chest pain will do you good. But in most cases this exercise is not appropriate and you might need a visit to the doctor in case of a serious problem.
How do you get relief of Chest Pain
- Heartburn
- Coughing
- Vomiting
- Fever
- Weight gain
- Loss of appetite
- Exhaustion
- Excessive tiredness
- Fatigue
- Increased thirst
Heartburn is not a problem if you stop smoking for a short period of time. If you stop smoking permanently and continue to breathe after you have stopped, the disease will develop.
Deep breathing exercises
Deep breathing exercises consist of inhalation of air through your nose. There are three important principles behind deep breathing exercises for chest pain. The first principle is breathing the air through your nose. The second principle is not forcing your chest through your mouth as it helps to achieve deep breathing. The third principle is to keep breathing for a long duration as it is more effective than a brief deep breathing.
The first principle should be practised in a relaxed, quiet environment. As deep breathing exercises are difficult to do with one’s own chest, make sure that you have a comfortable chair and a pillow. Place a piece of white fabric on top of your chair or under your pillow to prevent your head from falling off the chair.
The second principle is to focus on the diaphragm as opposed to the lungs or chest. If your diaphragm does not seem to be working, this is usually due to breathing through your mouth. The third principle is to keep your breathing for longer periods than a few minutes.
The exercises should be done in a gentle manner
Avoid exerting more pressure in your chest or throat than necessary. You might feel some pain during breathing exercises, but it is not serious. However, if you find it more difficult to breath properly, then you may want to go to the doctor or take up exercise to overcome the pain.
How to stop smoking without a problem
How do you prevent chest pain in an acute case of smoking cessation? One of the best ways to manage your acute symptoms of smoking cessation is to reduce your intake of tobacco. But if this does not work, it is important to remember that any additional physical effect of smoking is likely to be more harmful than beneficial. If you can quit smoking on your own without any physical effect in just four days, it is unlikely that you are suffering from the severe acute symptoms of smoking cessation.
How to quit smoking with pain?
Many smokers find that they cannot stop smoking without experiencing painful symptoms. As explained in the section on Pain relief, physical discomfort with smoking cessation is usually more harmful than the physical effect of smoking. The best way to quit smoking with pain is by reducing your intake of cigarettes.
There are different ways in which you can help you to reduce your intake of cigarettes. It is very difficult to give any precise advice about how to reduce your intake of cigarettes if you cannot quit smoking by yourself. But it is a good idea to try out various ways to help you quit smoking without physical effect.
First, try to cut down your consumption of cigarettes by 15-25% per day. But bear in mind that it takes some time before you can reduce your cigarette consumption to such a level that you become pain-free from smoking.
This is not possible with nicotine replacement therapy, which is an effective and inexpensive form of help to quit smoking.
Second, try to change your tobacco habit altogether by changing to a healthier smoking habit. Smoking can be very addictive and will not relieve your stress and insomnia well. Instead try to use other substances to relax and reduce the emotional impact on smoking.
A more effective smoking cessation product that is available is nicotine gum. It is a mild stimulant that is given under the tongue and can be swallowed or inhaled. If your breath comes out too heavy, chew a little piece of gum to help you puff less.
The product used in nicotine gum is known as the “nicotine patch”. It is usually given by a healthcare professional. Smoking with nicotine is generally not possible in the early stages of smoking cessation without physical damage to the lungs or chest. The nicotine patch relieves the symptoms in an acute case of smoking cessation as it does in acute cases of cardiovascular disease.
However, these are often difficult to stop after quitting smoking for a long time.
Chew a lot of gum (or other natural, non-addictive drugs) to quit smoking. However, chewing tobacco does not prevent symptoms of smoking cessation.
There are several reasons why people can smoke for very long periods without quitting. For example, some people have a genetic susceptibility to nicotine addiction. These people might be at greater risk of developing nicotine addiction if they continue smoking after their quitting.
Another explanation for why a smoker may continue smoking for years without quitting is related to the use of nicotine replacement drug-containing cigarettes and tobacco patches.