Insufficient warming up before running, insufficient stretching before and after running can cause ankle pain after running, and wrong shoe selection is another common cause of ankle pain after running.

How Do I Prevent Ankle Pain During Running?
While there are many options for preventing ankle pain during running, here are some things you can try:
Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated and keep you feeling comfortable during the run. Your favorite running drink should contain 2-3 glasses of water with at least one Gatorade. The good news is, drinking 1-2 glasses of fluid per 1,000 steps is enough to keep your body hydrated all day.
If you’re struggling to drink water, a water bottle that comes with an insulated cap will help with this.
Exercise in a warm environment. Warm or cool temps during your run are just fine to avoid frostbite.
Have a warm sock or a towel with you during your run or walking to reduce heat loss during the long run or walk.
Don’t put ice or cold drinks or foods into your body during the run. Instead, enjoy your run with an ice cold cup of tea or hot chocolate before you finish your run.
Keep yourself warm
To help with your overall body temperature during your run or walk, wear a cap when it’s cooler than a 45-degree outside temperature and don’t drink cold liquids during the run. If you’re cold or feel hot, try drinking an ice cold glass of water at least 15-20 minutes before you finish your run. You can also make the extra effort to change your clothes before your run or walk, and remember to always wear your running shoes and socks on your running shoes as well.
When you’re running, you can feel the difference in your leg muscles. By simply taking extra steps and going farther, you will improve your running speed and your endurance. The key is that you start every run by completing as many steps as you can, and stop each run to stretch before you head for the next one.
If you’re struggling to stretch before you start your run, try this. Place a yoga mat or a book on the floor of a small room and walk around it while taking some short, fast steps each time you walk around. It will help stretch out your muscles and loosen up your muscles after a run.
If you’re tired and you need a bit of extra energy for a long run, take one or two of your favorite running snacks and drink them in a glass or water before you begin your run or walk. Eating carbohydrates helps keep your body’s metabolism going.
If you have pain in your heel bone while running, you can try taping your heel bone to the sole of your foot so that you can support yourself while you run.
How Can I Fix Ankle Pain?
If you’re suffering from ankle pain while running, it’s common to take a look at your running shoes and adjust them so that you can take more steps while running. Here are some common solutions to get your running shoes running again.
Lengthen your shoe midsole by using a sock or running sock that has more room between your midsole and the outsole of the shoe.
Make sure that your shoes and socks fit properly.
Buy an ankle support heel to help keep your heel from touching your toes.
If you’re having trouble keeping your heels from slipping when running, try using a high or wide heel with an elastic sole for a comfortable running shoe.